Week four – Launching Operation Overlord

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 results
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HistoryExtra Academy video lecture: launching Operation Overlord. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Historian and broadcaster Taylor Downing explores the highs and lows of D-Day, and examines how more than a year of top-secret planning and preparation finally came to fruition
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D-Day: 24 hours that changed the world. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Gavin Mortimer recounts the momentous events of D-Day, from the first airborne landings in the small hours, through the battle for the beaches as dawn broke, to attempts to consolidate captured positions as night fell on the longest day
- Second World War
“Free people everywhere should remember them”: the Canadians’ role in D-Day
Of the nearly 150,000 Allied troops who landed or parachuted into Normandy on 6 June 1944 as part of Operation Overlord, 14,000 were from Canadian forces. As the 75th anniversary of D-Day is commemorated, Dr John Maker considers the contribution of Canada’s army, air force and navy to one of the Allies’ most pivotal wartime operations…
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D-Day: the WW2 battle through the eyes of the men who were there. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
The fate of World War II turned on 6 June 1944, the day of the Normandy landings. Historian Giles Milton recounts key moments of an outlandishly ambitious offensive through the words of those – Allied and German – who lived them
- Second World Waraudio
D-Day: Air
In the first episode of our new Second World War series, Saul David tells the story of 6 June 1944 from the perspective of the airborne troops who struck the first blow
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Gulag doctors: saving lives in Stalin's prison camps. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Dan Healey explains how medical personnel battled to provide healthcare for millions of inmates in the brutal Soviet labour camps
- Second World War
Your guide to D-Day: what happened, how many casualties were there, and what did it accomplish?
It was the largest seaborne invasion in history, marking the beginning of the campaign to liberate north-west Europe from German occupation. But how much do you know about D-Day? And what does D-Day stand for? Here, historian James Holland brings you the facts…
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History explorer: D-Day beaches. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
Seventy-five years ago, the largest seaborne invasion the world had ever seen was unleashed on a quiet stretch of Normandy coastline. Ellie Cawthorne explores the beaches, cliffs and villages that still bear the scars of D-Day
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The battle for Normandy: what happened after D-Day?. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
By the time D-Day had drawn to a close on the night of 6 June 1944, the Allies had secured a hard-won foothold in northern France. But the fight was far from over. Here, Gavin Mortimer explains how the battle to liberate France raged on as Allied forces were tested to their limits by fierce German resistance while they attempted to push through the Normandy countryside