In this lecture recorded at BBC History Magazine’s 2019 History Weekends – and available exclusively on – historian Peter Caddick-Adams explores the key threats to the assault of 6 June 1944, a high-risk strategy that had just one chance of success.


Listen to more podcasts exclusive to

Discover more learning from week two of the HistoryExtra Academy course on D-Day and the Normandy Campaign

HistoryExtra Academy video lecture: Planning for D-Day – watching time 16 mins

The road to D-Day: the masterplan – reading time 9 mins

Podcast: Peter Caddick-Adams on whether D-Day could have failed – listening time 1 hour

In defence of Monty: James Holland on the Allied commander's D-Day decisions – reading time 9 mins

Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt: the big three’s war of words – reading time 9 mins


Peter Caddick-Adams is a writer and broadcaster who specialises in military history, defence and security issues
