Robert Poole, author of a major history of the massacre, explores the history of 19th-century radicalism that fed into the Manchester demonstration and then reveals why a peaceful meeting ended in death and injury.


Explore more content from week three of our Regency course:

War and Conflict, with Dr Lizzie Rogers – watching time 11 mins

Uncertainty and unrest: the madness of the Regency period – reading time 8 mins

Reading between the lines: the real-life events that inspired Jane Austen – reading time 6 mins

1816: the year without summer – reading time 9 mins

Regency Britain: An age of war and revolution – reading time 6 mins

The Napoleonic Wars: everything you wanted to know – listening time 1 hour, 3 mins

The Peterloo Massacre: what did it achieve? – reading time 6 mins
