D-Day: everything you wanted to know
Military historian Peter Caddick-Adams responds to listener queries and popular search enquiries about one of the defining episodes of World War Two
In the latest of our new series tackling the big questions on major historical topics, military historian Peter Caddick-Adams responds to listener queries and popular search enquiries about one of the defining episodes of World War Two.
Check out the rest of the series:
- Episode 3: Miles Russell answers the big questions about Roman Britain
- Episode 2: Tracy Borman takes on questions about the Tudors
- Episode 1: Marc Morris tackles some of the big questions about the Normans
Discover more learning from week one of the HistoryExtra Academy course on D-Day and the Normandy Campaign
Video lecture: The Decision, with Taylor Downing – watching time 11 mins
Churchill and D-Day: did the prime minister oppose the Normandy landings? – reading time 8 mins
Barbarossa and Britain – reading time 9 mins
When and why did the US get involved in WW2 – reading time 9 mins
Peter Caddick-Adams is a writer and broadcaster who specialises in military history, defence and security issues
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