The Edwardian period in Britain was a time when society still closely resembled that of the Victorian age with clear class divides, but it was also a transformative time.


In 1911, there were more than 1.3 million people (mainly women) employed as domestic servants in Britain – compared to 1.2 million working in agriculture and around 971,000 coal miners.

The upstairs/downstairs world of Downton Abbey: how true to life is it?

How much do the relationships on screen reflect the real sensibilities of the Edwardian period and the interwar years – and how do they serve as a reflection of our own perceptions of early 20th century history?

The upper classes could afford to have housemaids, cooks and butler to ensure their homes ran efficiently, with minimal effort from the family. A typical Edwardian townhouse would include accommodation for servants who would live alongside the family they served.

Find out more with our infographic guide to life ‘downstairs’ in a typical Edwardian house…

Click to enlarge

Edwardian House graphic

Read more about the history behind Downton Abbey here


This infographic first appeared in BBC History Revealed magazine
