Beowulf is an epic tale that continues to fire the imaginations of readers a millennium after it was written. Why is the poem still so relevant today?

Since it was first translated into modern English in the 19th century, Beowulf has become by far the best-known piece of Anglo-Saxon literature. It has inspired movies, novels and even comic books; there seems to be no limit to the ways the story can be reimagined. Furthermore, it was perhaps the single greatest formative influence on JRR Tolkien, which means it has played a huge part in the development of the modern fantasy genre, from The Lord of the Rings right through to Game of Thrones.


When and where was Beowulf written?

The short answer is we don’t know, other than that it was in Anglo-Saxon England. The dating and origins of Beowulf are much discussed but still unresolved, though many theories have been put forward. We know the poem was set down in a manuscript around AD 1000, and was probably first composed many years earlier – perhaps as early as the eighth century. Some aspects of it might also have existed in oral tradition before the text reached its surviving form, but we can only speculate about that.
