PremiumMembershipYe olde travel guide: Seville, 1670. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipBooks interview with Ian Morris: "War can be a productive force in that it produces larger, more peaceful societies". This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipYe olde travel guide: Amsterdam, 1648. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipBooks interview with Michael Broers: "You don't have to make up myths about Napoleon's youth – just look at his letters to see evidence that he was a great leader". This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembership“Britain should have stayed out of the First World War” says Niall Ferguson. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipBooks interview with Larry Siedentop: "What is distinctive about the west is that the organising social role is no longer the patriarchal family and instead the individual". This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipMy history hero: Yolanda of Aragon (d1442). This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipYe olde travel guide: Turin, 1887. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipJeremy Paxman: "The war finished Britain off in many respects". This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.
PremiumMembershipActs of union and disunion. This is a premium piece of content available to subscribed users.