February 2025 issue of BBC History Magazine out now!

The triumph of the Anglo-Saxons
Max Adams reveals how the kingdom of Mercia powered the rise of England
Monsters of Rome
Tom Holland considers whether emperors such as Nero and Caligula deserve their diabolical reputations
Reagan’s American dream
Phil Tinline on why the president’s efforts to conjure a golden version of the USA’s past proved so popular
The mystery of the little green children
John Clark investigates a strange event that occurred in Suffolk in the mid-12th century
Royal palace scandals
From Henry VIII’s love life to James VI’s witch obsession, Kate Williams picks out five dramatic events in royal history
How Britain found its frequency
Beaty Rubens tracks interwar Britons’ reactions to the rise of an extraordinary new technology in the home: the radio
Victorian cocaine fiends
Douglas Small explains why the dangerous drug was hailed as a miracle of science in the 19th century
SUBSCRIBE TODAY to get our next issue: The March 2025 issue of BBC History Magazine is on sale from 20 February 2025. Look inside!